Welcome to Our Website!


Well, we made it! Our big adventure to Europe. Six months of being in foreign countries with different languages, different foods and lots of history. It was AMAZING!


Why did we go? Brian was on a 6 month study leave from NCSU to get a better feel for the way the greenhouse industry works in Europe. He toured with chemical sales reps, worked with people in the Flower Markets, met with horticulturists from various European universities, toured plant/flower breeders and greenhouses, and did a bit of journal article writing.

Benjamin and I let him do that while we absorbed the culture, learned the history, saw the sights, and enjoyed the experience of Europe.


It took way more planning hours than we ever anticipated... Like planning for 15 foreign vacations all at one time -- whose idea WAS that???? And, every day we learned something different -- not just about the history of the area we were in but about life in general. A huge, marvelous, once in a lifetime experience...


We tried to keep everyone posted on how things were going. I sent a newsletter out every Thursday or Friday about each week's adventures. Hope you enjoy the tour.



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